Arc en ciel à Chatillon sur Indre en Berry.

Publié le 21 Novembre 2012

Par JP


Arc en ciel.Jipé.



Arc en ciel.Jipé. (1)


Arc en ciel.Jipé. (10)


Arc en ciel.Jipé. (11)



Arc en ciel.Jipé. (2)



Arc en ciel.Jipé. (3)



Arc en ciel.Jipé. (4)



Arc en ciel.Jipé. (5)



Arc en ciel.Jipé. (6)


Arc en ciel.Jipé. (7)



Arc en ciel.Jipé. (8)


Arc en ciel.Jipé. (9)

Rédigé par Le blog sur Chatillon sur Indre

Publié dans #Photos libres de droits

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Hey these photos are wonderful. I know it might sound really embarrassing. But it is a true fact that I want to share with you. I have never seen a live rainbow in my whole life. And yeah it is true. I feel terribly bad because I have been trying so hard, but never have come across one.
Hello.I see that you have never seen a rainbow.It's not usual but it's not easy to see a raibow because it's necessary to be a good place good moment.Just a think.Are you in France or in in England.If you are in France are you in the city of Chatillon?